May 25, 2010

Creativity cries...

I am a blank space. Empty and unaltered. You and I have come a long way. We met in your empty notebooks, your freshly painted walls, your tabletops and paper napkins, your drawing books and A4 sheets, the white of your uniform, the margins of all the books you've ever read, the document on your computer screen, the empty message on your phone. And you have never let me down in my life and yours. I have been colored with your ideas and brought to life with your words. The least, I have been there to hold your gaze when your mind wandered the endlessly beautiful world of your imagination.

Being as humbled as I am by our solemn relationship, I have never placed any demands on you. But I can't lie still anymore. This time there is in me, more than the responsibility to make you think. This time you have to act.

For the sake of all the years I gave you the space to run your mind about, do this. Make me your canvas and give me a name. I want to show the world what you are really capable of. Color me with your ideas and bring me to life with your words once again. For I am all that you can call truly yours, and hold on to for all eternity.


the storyteller said...

the beauty lies not in the words but the space between them..when the meaning of the words and the beyond settles in..may you be coloured wholesomely :)

Unknown said...

Only you could have written what you did :) Thanks..